December 14, 2007

Ludwig's Secular Mid-Winter Holiday present

Fischer was struck by the need to inspect this package that came to us all the way from Georgia. What could it be? Fresh peaches?

Not peaches, but hinges. Westfalia poptop scissors hinges from a 1976 Campmobile, to be exact.
Ludwig's are bent, which not only makes it difficult to get the lid up and down, but can cut holes in his nice new canvas top. These appear to be a better, sturdier design. Cursory research tells me that the two-year difference isn't relevant. Now for some clear weather so we can get them on.

December 2, 2007

Ludwig's new bling

Look what Mitch found--some guy selling vintage VW dealer plate frames online. Ludwig is now adorned with one from Universal Motors, which later became Universal Volkswagen (which no longer exists). The color surrounding the white lettering on the frame is actually a very pale blue, although it was hard to capture the actual color in a photo.

That black on the bumper above the tailpipe means that Ludwig is running a little rich.
The plates themselves are from Fergus County. Ludwig wasn't actually sold at Universal Motors though, as far as we know.