
Mountain Passes, Summits, and Other Grades. And Campsites.

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These are passes or summits Ludwig has successfully traversed in at least one direction while we've owned him. The elevation shown is that given on the sign at the pass, or that listed in a road atlas when there is no sign, or my estimation (usually using gpsvisualizer or the like), or my best guess. Our home elevation (our garage, actually) is 4537 ft.
Green markers indicate passes over the Great Divide.
Red markers indicate passes of some particular interest. Some may be Great Divide passes as well.
Purple markers indicate passes over the Laurentian Divide.
Orange markers indicate Ludwig's known extreme points: highest, lowest, Northernmost, Southernmost, Easternmost, and Westernmost.

Someday I'll get around to putting dates and stories with them. Or not.

States we've driven Ludwig in

Given Ludwig's history as an Omaha-metro resident, it's a near-certainty that he's been in Iowa as well (I'd be willing to bet he's been to Missouri and Kansas too). He just hasn't been there with us.

States we've driven Gertrude in 

Not all that impressive I guess, but we're doing our best.