May 29, 2009

Into Idaho

We took Ludwig over Lolo Pass into Idaho for a little Memorial Day cruise. US 12 led us to the DeVoto Memorial Cedar Grove, a little ways inside Pacific Time.

Tater Tot contemplated the big trees in her own little 1.25 year-old way.

Recent warm weather has melted a lot of snow around these parts. Tater Tot is doing her Lewis & Clark impression here: onward!

Melissa and TT hiding out in a giant stump.

Melissa at the helm as she powers Ludwig back up over the mountains.

There were lots of cars with kayaks strapped to their roofs out and about that day. I can't believe that people subject themselves to the abuse this river must dish out.

On the way back home, we pulled over for a diaper change (Tater Tot's). Our innocent mooooing at these cows accidentally called them to us. TT thought they were kind of interesting.

Summer is officially on its way, but there's still plenty of snow on Lolo Peak (9096').

May 21, 2009

What's Old is New Again

Gertie got her new/old plates last week, in spite of her injuries. To do this in Montana, the plates must be of a number not in use, be legible (as confirmed by a state trooper), and more than 15 years old. You also have to permanently register the car, which means you pay the taxes on it once and never again.

This particular set was originally for a car registered in Yellowstone County, where Billings--the state's largest city--is, way down the road from here. Missoula County tags begin with "4". Another advantage of using the old ones (Ludwig has YOM plates too) is that current Montana plates are those ugly printed flimsy things that just about every other state uses anymore.

In other news, last weekend we secured the garage for our own use. Now we don't have much of an excuse to pour some serious time into our jalopies.

May 10, 2009

More pictures of OUCH!

Gertie's front end, bumper, signal marker and quarter panel were damaged.

See how the hinge is super tight on between the front of the driver's door and the quarter panel? That's why her driver's door won't open anymore.

For comparison, here is the passenger's door and quarter panel. Note the difference.

Fang Fang was assaulted and strewn about the street. This is exactly how we found her when our breakfast was interrupted one fateful Wednesday morning.

(Front to rear: assaulting car, Fang Fang, Gertie)

This photo clearly shows how far Fang Fang was knocked off the street. Prior to being hit, she was in line with Gertie who is parked behind her.

We'll share more details when we're able. Stay tuned...

May 8, 2009

More Filler

I saw a Westy Vanagon at the grocery store the other day and its license plates ("GO WESTY") reminded me to make this post. It might look like an ad for them, but really it's not. It's just that we don't have much to post about right now, as the insurance situation is unfolding in re: Fang Fang and Gertie, and I have to keep mum about that. Ludwig is currently doing duty as our "daily" driver (scare quotes because we really don't drive anything daily), a job he doesn't mind, but sometimes he itches for the hum of fourth gear.

GoWesty sells refurbished Vanagons on their site and most of them are in the mid- to upper-five figures, but recently one went for over $120,000. Where do people get that kind of money? The really pricey ones are usually Syncros (4WD) like this one. These photos are from May of 2005 when I drove to Los Osos to get seatbelts for Ludwig.

GoWesty mostly deals in Vanagons and (blecccch) Eurovans, but they deal with bays sometimes too.

There's Ludwig, hanging out at GoWesty.

May 5, 2009

In the Meantime

This is my favorite of the bunch.

Isn't that an Alfa Romeo peeking out at far right?