April 11, 2012

Three Goosetown Beetles and a Kit Kar

For fun, Tater Tot and I looked at this Beetle last year as it sat at a local car lot. It was raining that day which led to the discovery of its reeeeeally leaky rear window. It also ran kind of funny (funny weird, not funny ha-ha). Way overpriced--$3800--for a Super in such shape.

Someone more steeped in such arcana could probably identify that kit car back there. A Bradley? I dunno.

A decent enough Beetle, but that sunroof looks hacked to me.

April 8, 2012

Lunchtime at Washoe Park

I'm in the back of my [!] car, coloring.

I'm in the back of my car.

Since it was a nice day we decided to cook and eat lunch (spirals and cheese) at the park, in Ludwig.

That's a funny spoon, I'm making a funny face.

I'm raspberrying.

We are esploring.

This is a tree trunk that I'm hiding.

I love looking at the river.

There's an apple on my dress too.

Beavers are eating this tree.

It was a little startling to see these elk legs in the campground trash.

April 1, 2012

Missoulaneous VWs