December 31, 2013

The Year that Was 2013

Ludwig gives 2013, though truncated, a red star and steels himself for life in 2014 with another back-seater.

December 19, 2013

Tire, Covered

 Ludwig got something to adorn his nose with this week, courtesy of his former owner McDonald.

The opening actually will go on the bottom; this was a test fitting. 

McDonald had been honing his sewing skills fabricating a spare tire cover for his '66 FJ40, and offered to make this for Ludwig. When it came and we inspected it in our kitchen, Melissa and I both thought it was way too big but it fits just fine; I guess there's something to be said about size perception and context. McDonald on the other hand thought it was gonna be too small, as the one he'd made for his Land Cruiser dwarfed it.

Thanks, 02McDonald!

December 11, 2013

All We (Well, I ) Want for Xmas...

...besides a healthy baby, is this '43 Schwimmwagen.

It really is for sale, for the reduced! price of $150,000. (Don't you think if you were selling something for $150K you could be bothered to write better copy?) It's missing the horn button, so there's a negotiating point.

Anyway, even though Winter is here I had vague thoughts about taking E on a F/D overnighter to Yellowstone in Ludwig but a quick glance at the calendar shows that any way you cut it, we are Out of Time, considering the pending arrival's pendingness. So don't expect much from the blog over the next month.

Unless you all get together and buy us this Schwimmer, then I'll post about how we fit the car seats in it.