February 27, 2014

Drive-by Shooting 2

Another Vanagon spotted in the Gem State.

February 25, 2014

Drive-by Shooting

Passed somewhere in Idaho. (A nod to Big Blue's Driver for the title.)

February 23, 2014

Northwest Passage Scenic Byway

Here's a video of a less-winding section of US 12 in Idaho; the video doesn't really do the road justice. 

Bus operators should take this road at least once in either direction (personally, for driving reasons I prefer up--on almost all roads--to down) if they can.

February 18, 2014

Still Holding

Our apologies for the somewhat idle blog; we still haven't taken that picture of the baby in Ludwig yet. 

Here's an old bus spotted in Missoula next to one of those godawful Sprinter things.

February 2, 2014

Baby Blue Beetle, Butte

Just something to hold the blog over until I get a picture of the new kid in Ludwig.