November 30, 2022

Lake Superior Summer 2021: Valley City to Itasca Lake State Park


November 27, 2022

Lake Superior Summer 2021 Day 2: Theo. Roosevelt Nat'l Park to Valley City

Wind Canyon overlook (Little Missouri River)

By day's end we'd driven across most of North Dakota and the Laurentian Divide. Ludwig hadn't been in the Hudson Bay watershed since 2007.
Even all the way out at Mel Reiman Campground, North of Valley City, we couldn't escape the smoke entirely. That's the Sun a little left of center.

miles 224,940-245,256

November 24, 2022

Lake Superior Summer 2021 Day 1: Sully Creek State Park

Two Summers ago we had planned on driving Ludwig to Crater Lake and Redwoods and the Oregon coast and Rainier and all that, but there were a lot of fires out that way that year which threatened not only to negatively impact our breathing, but could outright cut us off of primary routes and send us hundreds of miles out of our way. At the last minute we decided to go to the tip of the UP instead.

Some of these pictures are E's.

landscape near Glendive

near Medora ND and Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Sully Creek State Park (Theo. R. NP was full)

miles (2)44,533 to (2)44,940