The Drivers

Melissa is the girl. She drives both VWs with great courage, optimism, stamina, and aplomb. Besides tooling around in and sometimes camping in an old VW, Melissa likes to knit, crochet, sew, bake, (you know, make stuff), garden, read, walk, drink tea, and think about things. Some of her favorite musical acts include Blake Babies, Wilco, Pavement, and Juliana Hatfield.

Mitch is the boy. He drives both VWs with an ear that just waits for the next thing to go wrong. Besides tooling around in and sometimes camping in an old VW, Mitch likes to listen to music, argue, eat pizza, tend fires, and think about things. Sometimes he likes working on old VWs, but sometimes not. Among his favorite musical acts are Fugazi, Johnny Cash, Ice Cube, and Minutemen.

E is a little baby Melissa gave birth to once but now she's much bigger. She likes to read, draw, read, swing, read, and tool around in--and sometimes camp in--old VWs. Her musical tastes are somewhat opaque.

I is another little baby Melissa gave birth to once but is now big. She likes to swim, play with Duplos, sing along with Taylor Swift and They Might Be Giants, and recite the Periodic Table of the Elements. She sometimes likes to ride around and camp in old VWs. (Picture forthcoming.)

Ludwig and Gertie are Mitch's sixth and seventh VWs, respectively. They are Melissa's first and second.
Prior VWs in Mitch's possession:
1973 Type 3 Fastback "Gretchen", d. 1991, contact with 1990 Chrysler LeBaron
1970 Type 3 Squareback "Anne", d. 1996, mechanical (engine)
1972 Type 3 Squareback no name, d. 1996 (bought for parts; crushed)
1967 Type 3 Squareback "Frieda", d. 1997, contact with wildlife
1971 Beetle (standard) "Margaret", d. 2000, mechanical (engine)
1984 Rabbit "Loretta", d. 2002, mechanical (driveshaft)

The bigger people are Nebraska natives, the little people were born in Montana, and we all live at about 4,400' elevation with our cats Finn and Ulysses, dog Ruth, and several chickens, none of whom shows the slightest interest in old cars.

If you're coming anywhere near us, shoot us an email (ludwig74 AT gmail [dot] com). We're in Livingston Montana, about an hour from Yellowstone's North Entrance. 

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