January 31, 2011


 Dear Ludwig,
We haven't forgotten you.

January 24, 2011

VWs of Billings and Bozeman

These are the only three ACVWs I saw on my Billings trip a couple weeks ago.
Out walking before class one day, I saw this pair of '67s behind Metric Wrench in Billings. I talked to someone here on the phone a couple days later, and he was a jerk for no good reason. I realize it's primarily a BMW and Mercedes place, but Metric Wrench in Billings=FAIL.

This Super was in Bozeman and I have no idea what that personalized plate is supposed to mean.

January 20, 2011

Anaconda to Billings and Back

I took a solo roadtrip last week to Billings and back for library/school purposes. These photos were the best I could do.
Near Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park, outside of Three Forks.

The Absaroka Mountains, outside Livingston. With a bunch of peaks topping 12,000 feet, these are Montana's highest mountains. Well, not these ones right there, but back in there.

The following pictures are from the return trip. My pictures can't do the Crazy Mountains justice.

8000 miles. You can see my reflection in the trip odometer reset knob. The wind between Livingston and Reed Point was insane, and kept my speed down 5-10mph.

At the Bozeman Public Library, I decided that since Gertie's mileage is as good as (or better) than some hybrids, she deserved this spot.

This fin of rock is ridiculously thin.

Almost home! Except for a condenser problem I had to fix in the hotel parking lot at a gusty 15F, Gertie was a champ. In addition to Homestake Pass (above), she topped a couple other passes on the way which can be seen on the new and improved mountain passes map at "Geographica", at the top of the blog.
(miles 7639-8156 click for map of this trip)

January 18, 2011

Alaskan Rivie

A friend in Alaska sent us these photos of this Riviera that was (is?) for sale up there, in Fairbanks.

Awful, awful hubcaps (what are those off of, a Buick?) but otherwise it looks to be a respectable bus.

January 10, 2011

Leftover Missoulaneous VWs

An old lady was at the helm.

A typical case of bay window saggy butt syndrome.

And I think that just might do it for our unpublished pictures of ACVWs in the Garden City.

January 4, 2011

Vintage Tuesday! Smith Family Outing, Northern Ireland

 Vintage Tuesday: A friend sent us this picture of her family's Fau Weh on holiday when she was young. That's her Winnie the Pooh stuffed up against the window.

January 1, 2011

Garage Challenge

"The workshop has become the landing ground for anything and everything."--Big Blue's Driver

Big Blue's Driver and I have entered into an informal challenge to see who can get their garage fit for wrenching first. As I see it, his handicap is a two-month old, and mine is sub-zero temperatures. Whoever posts pictures of a presentable garage first to their blog first, wins. 
Game on!
Anyone want to help me get rid of some of this junk and buy that television?