The more or less interesting lives & times of our 1974 VW Campmobile, Ludwig and our 1971 VW Squareback, Gertrude
March 25, 2011
Buried Treasure
We happened across these two old fellows in the Southwest part of town on a stroll the other day. It looks like I'll have to up my Anaconda ACVW count to twelve.
It made me wonder how many little treasures like this (I'm thinking more of the Splitty) remain hidden in small towns across the country.
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March 20, 2011
Signal Magazine
I didn't know it, but Life Magazine was apparently a kind of rip-off of a propaganda magazine published in Germany a few years earlier under the Nazis called "Signal". It was available on this side of the Atlantic until US/German relations went sour after Pearl Harbor.
This was the only VW I could find in the whole thing.
March 15, 2011
Scenes from a Library
This was taken sometime in 1975 from a little beyond where the PT Cruiser is in the picture below.
This was taken in 2011 from my office window, the lower left window in the picture at top.
other rides
March 13, 2011
Freida 1967-1997
Freida was my third VW.
Funny, the way I remember it, you told me that the stripe was for the navigator in a real rally car because, as you said, if the navigator is good then driver doesn't need to see the road.
I'm pretty good at making things up.

A year and-a-half or so later a deer caught the front corner and swung around into the door (right about here). It was a repugnant sound. The fuse box went all sparkly and crackly at my left knee as the headlight shorted out and I knew it was gonna be ugly.
This is the best of the only four (!) pre-paint pictures I have of her. (It used to cost money to take pictures, you see.)
Yeah, yeah, the stripe's on the wrong side. Where were you to tell me that in 1996?
I'm pretty good at making things up.

"1.6 L": that's funny. Four-tip EMPI exhaust: that's stupid.
A year and-a-half or so later a deer caught the front corner and swung around into the door (right about here). It was a repugnant sound. The fuse box went all sparkly and crackly at my left knee as the headlight shorted out and I knew it was gonna be ugly.
I should've left the hubcaps either all chrome or off altogether.
March 10, 2011
No, I Don't Know Why I'm Standing Like That
other rides
March 6, 2011
Santa Maria VW Show, Summer 2005
Ancient history, unearthed recently on our external hard drive.

The Gaviota Tunnel which, it seemed to me, delimited the spiritual Northern border of the LA malignancy metropolis, and of SoCal in general.

This was one of the actual Beetles used in the most recent regurgitation of the Herbie series, starring Lindsay Lohan, aka LiLo. Don't I look uncomfortable in this picture? Well, I was. I remember this car's owner was really insistent that I get my photo taken in his car. It was super weird.
Ludwig was an entrant in this show (curiously, the only bay window there if I remember correctly) but there're no pictures to prove it because the camera batteries died.
The Santa Barbara Channel off port with Melissa at the helm, along US 101. A map of the trip is here.
Crewcab Vanagon>cool.
The cast is an artifact of a bike wreck in Isla Vista a few days before (broken scaphoid).
Ludwig was an entrant in this show (curiously, the only bay window there if I remember correctly) but there're no pictures to prove it because the camera batteries died.
other rides,
VW events
March 5, 2011
Tapped Out
Sorry for the delay in blogging. We (or rather I) were tapped out in more ways than one. An unexpected f.i. problem with Gertie has rendered us carless (though I suppose we could still be driving her, just "takin' it slow", which will cure, like magic, any ACVW problem lalalalalala I can't hear you lalalalalalala) right at the time of that last post, in the middle of some really cold weather and some really time-consuming schoolwork and some increased hours at the libarely. So I just wasn't feeling it for awhile. But I'm coming back around, I think.
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