December 8, 2006

2482 miles = 40 hours of driving

These aren't from a trip with Ludwig, but with Fang Fang (our Subaru). I thought they deserved a wider audience nonetheless.
We went to Ogallala (Nebr) for Thanksgiving, and went to Lincoln briefly on Saturday, thinking we could get up early Sunday and drive straight through to Missoula--1241miles, 20hours. Obviously a bit ambitious.
We didn't make it. In Sheridan (Wyoming) at 8pm, we checked the Montana Dept. of Roads website and it said the roads west of Big Timber were either snow-covered, ice-covered, or both. And there was fog. We spent the night in Billings and left the next morning. The pictures (click to enlarge) are of the roads we'd've faced at 330am had we pressed on.

These photos were all during heavy snow, which is why all the views look a bit foggy. The visibility was obviously pretty poor, but the views were incredibly impressive nonetheless.

Homestake Pass (6332ft)

Although we had both driven through the Rockies several times, neither of us remember driving through the Rockies during a snow storm. The travelling was relatively slow, but we were lucky enough to be about 3 cars back behind a snow plow while we were travelled the snowiest of the mountain roads.

I-90 over The Great Divide

During the "chain-up" areas along the I-90, we noticed all the 2 wheel drive cars and 18 wheelers pulled over to put chains on their vehicles. We didn't have chains (or studded snow tires) for Fang Fang, so we just kept driving. Even in these road conditions Fang Fang didn't have any problems negotiating it. In fact, I've been told by many Missoulians that chains and/or studded snow tires are completely unnecessary for Subarus, even during western Montana's long snowy winters.

More of the Boulder Batholith. In the last century or so, four square miles around this structure have yielded 20 billion pounds of copper. Efforts to discontinue minting pennies are fiercely opposed in and around the city of Butte.


Desmond and Emma said...

I am not impressed. If I were you I would be ashamed of myself.

Afraid of a little snow and ice...wieners.

whc03grady said...

Ye-ah, right.

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