August 28, 2007

Finally, more camping is to come.

Mitch is pretty nice to blame the lack of recent camping on the smoke, but we both know the morning sickness is mostly to blame. There was a solid two month plus stretch (during which his family was visiting) when I felt absolutely wretched every single day, thus rendering extended trips away from home an extremely risky venture.

Even though we didn't camp in Glacier National Park while we were there during his family's visit, we did get to drive south of the park on Hwy 2 and on the Going to the Sun Road. Both routes yielded seemingly unending incredible views. It was a nice overview of the park, although we are definitely both eager to get back and do some hiking and sleep in the woods (in Ludwig of course).

The view behind Many Glaciers Lodge, where we stayed.

Mitch nonchalantly standing on a cliff, while I anxiously hope to not be widowed.

Me in my last days of pre-pregnancy clothes. Note the thick waist.

Morning sickness be damned! I've puked enough in plastic bags, alleys, curbsides, and behind cars that by now I'm not opposed to puking at a campground. So we're planning a return visit to Glacier National Park in the very near future. Stay tuned...

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