October 1, 2007

Big Month (intermission)

September proved to be the busiest month for this blog yet, with nearly 250 "unique visitors" looking at over 400 pages. What exactly is a "unique visitor"? I dunno--I'm not a computer person. But what it means to me is that I'm apparently so acerbic to those who comment that no one does it anymore, despite the fact that more people than ever are reading it. So, I'm making a New Month's Resolution: if y'all comment, my responses (except those to 01Cisco, who always gives me trouble) will be composed with a more favorable honey:vinegar ratio. Or better yet, I'll just make Melissa answer 'em.

Thanks for reading.


Lisa said...

Don't be mad....sniff, sniff....I don't always comment, I'll admit it. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pictures you post. Can't wait to visit. Only 19 more days until I'm there! Whoot-Woo.

Ludwig's Drivers said...

nutty knitter,
I'm glad you "LOVE, LOVE, LOVE" the pictures because we try our best to take good ones to share with everyone. And we're not mad at the lack of comments, we just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE getting comments! Yeah for visitors! We're excited to see you guys!

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