August 31, 2009

Early and Late

I didn't know it before we got Gertie, but apparently 1971 was a split year for Type IIIs.
And it turns out that Gertrude is an early 1971.

Before it got sold, this 1971 sat not far from our house, along my bike route to work.

The baby blue one is a late 1971. From my cursory examination of the data, one of the easiest ways to tell them apart is that the "Volkswagen" script is horizontal on 1971s, but is slanted on 1971½s. Also, '71½s didn't come with pop-out windows as standard equipment. The blue Squareback's hubcaps are incorrect, by the way.

Another subtle clue: on Gertie, the knob that you use to reset the trip meter is chrome and hard to remove. On late '71s, it's black and easier to remove.


Ben Miller said...

True story: The Victory Smokes used to practice in one of the grain elevators towering above Ceretana Studios. I know that parking lot well.

Big Blue's Driver said...

So, were they all fuel injected?

Ludwig's Drivers said...

BDM-Did you practice way up in one of them?

BB'sD-All US-bound Type IIIs were fuel injected beginning with the 1968 model year. As a matter of fact, the 1968 VW Type III was the first mass-produced electronically fuel injected car in the world. So many have had theirs hacked out in "favor" of dual carbs or even (retch) single Weber progressives, that we're lucky Gertie's D-Jetronic FI is still intact.


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