August 6, 2009

Missoulaneous ACVWs

Sad rims, sad tires, cool stripe. I believe it's a '71, maybe a Super?

I was under the impression that Westies didn't come two-toned but this looks original so maybe I'm wrong.

A plain old passenger van.

I know it's not an ACVW or even a VW, but I like Gremlins*. I especially like yellow Gremlins. And yellow 4WD Gremlins with 3-inch lifts and roof racks are just about as cool as any ACVW. There, I said it.

After declaring my love for pinstripes a few posts back, I think this one might be a little much. Maybe not.

This thing makes me think "butterscotch-vanilla swirl". (It's a 1972, the oddest bay window year.)

Some of these photos might be a bit old, as evidenced by the snow. A 1971? 72? Beetle.

*I'm no AMC expert, so I'm not 100% sure this thing is a Gremlin and not a Concord or an Eagle or something. But it looks enough like a Gremlin for me.


Anonymous said...

OOhhh, ask Mel about the Gremlin my father test drove when we were buying the first "kid" car (the one we got to drive to/from school)...He claims he did that so we would better appreciate the car he actually bought...I was so NOT impressed!!!

Ludwig's Drivers said...

Funny you should mention it. I was silently shuddering when I read Mitch's post, remembering that test drive. I think Mitch has heard that story no more than a few times.

toomanycats said...

Mitch, I just googled your picture of a "Gremlin?" After looking at examples of each model year and some foreign manufactures. The 1976? Mexican model looks like the picture except for being jacked up. As a techno phobe; and couldn't get the photos side-by-side ; I could not make a good comparison. Good Luck with a serch. love dad

Ludwig's Drivers said...

Dad (dba Mom): I did some research after making the post and found out that it is probably an AMC Spirit, which was the small version of the Eagle (the 4wd is stock). But these were essentially Gremlins re-badged and re-marketed for the 1980s.

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