September 9, 2009


A trip to Nebraska for a three-day wedding extravaganza occasioned the recent lull in our blogging. But a peripheral event provided the fuel for a few new posts, so let's call it a wash.

The peripheral event at issue was my solo trip to rural Stanton County, where I did my best to relieve the Melcher farm of the remainder of its Type III parts. Melissa mentioned earlier that Gertie's seats are pretty shabby, and it is the liberal application of duct tape alone that keeps them usable. I knew that I had spare seats back on the farm, but I'd forgotten that they were white!

Off-white, anyway. (I remembered as I looked at them: when I got Freida , I put Anne's old black seats in her because her (Freida's) white seats didn't seem becoming of a "race" car.) I called Melissa to make sure she'd still want them, and she said that white would've been her first choice anyway. Ex-cellent. Notice also the luggage rack at right. We're still undecided on that one. Pro: totally awesome. Con: requires drilling into the roof.

The rest of that junk is parts that we can use or try to sell, mostly try to sell.


Anonymous said...

You know they make a vinyl spray paint for about $3.00/can. All of the various surfaces in both the bus and the Thing have received this treatment and they look brand new.

If you decide to do this put the seats in the sun to open up the vinyl and spray a succession of light coats. Soon your seats will be a very rich looking black color and you'll thank whatever religious honcho you believe in that you met a graying bald headed guy in Maupin who had such a great idea.

Take care.


Ludwig's Drivers said...

Ah, but unless there's a spray that sprays out brand-new basketweave vinyl, the old black seats can't be saved. They're not just old, they're torn up (or as the kids say, "toe up from the flo' up").
Or are you saying this stuff is some kind of protectant? I think we could use that on the white seats.

Ludwig's Drivers said...

I'm guessing Philip was thinking about whitening up our new-old-dingy white seats. I plan on trying to clean the heck out of those white seats and fixing up a couple of knicks in the vinyl when they arrive sometime in the not so distant future.

Hey Philip, thanks for the tip!

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