November 28, 2009

A River Runs Through It

Next time we go sightseeing with my parents, I promise I'll remember to clean the windows first.

Our destination was the Blackfoot Recreation Corridor (map), a lovely chunk of road where the Blackfoot and MT 200 part ways for 17 or so miles. We took it East to West, beginning with this stretch of prairie.

Looking toward the Rattlesnake Wilderness

Tater Tot loves throwing rocks into water.

The wind-up.

And the pitch.

My parents (including Dad, above) wanted to take a roadtrip into the woods/mountains and we (and Ludwig) were happy to oblige. I had a minor ulterior motive for choosing this particular stretch of road, as it has a few campgrounds along it I wanted to check out.  

Looking toward the Garnet Mountains

Thibodeau Rapids

Melissa drove, Dad rode shotgun.

my Dad + camera = pictures of rocks

The road was forgiving--we didn't have to put on the chains once.

Definitely worth a second trip.


Big Blue's Driver said...

Wonderful scenery. What a great place to explore. Does the heater in Ludwig work?

whc03grady said...

Well, that's a good question. Consider a radio that is connected to electricity yet is distant from any signal. Does that radio work?

We can interpret your question two ways, and give an answer for each:

1. Yes, Ludwig's heater works just fine. Unfortunately, it is not connected to the interior of the vehicle via heater tubes. So all the heat it generates just gets dumped into the atmosphere.
2. No, Ludwig's heater does not work. It is not connected to the interior of the vehicle, so no heat ever reaches any of the occupants.

We hope to address this issue at the next engine-out event.


Big Blue's Driver said...

For some reason, the flexible tubes just in front of the heater boxes were removed from Big Blue. I got some free ones from my hippie friend/mechanic Paul and put them on but still, not heat came forth. I need to investigate further.

If you have no heat getting inside (this may seem obvious) aren't you freezing your asses off?

Ludwig's Drivers said...

Those tubes are what aren't installed on Ludwig. And the cables are cut (don't get me started on that).
It's not too bad in Ludwig. Even if we got heat into the cabin, it's not like you can run it when you're sitting at camp anyway. We've run our Coleman catalytic up front by our feet while driving a couple times but I've found Little Hotties brand toe warmers to be more effective. Truth be told, I've found that if your feet are warm, the rest of your body (including the ass) usually will follow.
What it boils down to is, much of a camping trip is spent outside, where we're bundled up anyway. We just don't unbundle in Ludwig.

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