March 21, 2010

Lesson Learned, Part the First

We got Gertie's powdercoated wheels, with fresh rubber installed last week. Yes!

Four + spare

And they look pretty nice, right? Right. Unfortunately in the general excitement I'd forgotten about the scrapy-scrape sound from that corner that needed attention.

That scraping was a worn brake pad gouging the rotor. The blackish around the outside there is okay. The silver around the middle is not okay.

Way not okay. Small hope was held out that it could be turned (lathed flat) but that hope was dashed by the guys at Mountain Imports. This rotor was "way gone" by their measurements.

¡Ay caramba! That pad on the left, the offender, looks even worse that the one that gave Team Rehm trouble when they came through. Lesson learned: replace pads at the first scrape.


Lisa said...

Pretty wheels! Reminds me of when my kindergartners get new shoes. How proud she must be. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, c'mon throw me a bone here. Even blowed-up I can't see 'em. Kumhos??? In-town I've been loving the V-rated (149 mph) performance winter tyres. Unfortunately I was less-than impressed with sidewall rigidity on their first interstate clover-leaves 'at speed' last weekend. If they are Kumhos, they'll serve you well for 25000-30000. Gertie doesn't get flogged quite like the Golf - I demand a lot from a tire.

Ludwig's Drivers said...

@RJG (dba as Anonymous): I don't know if it was out of not wanting to bore people or not wanting to embarrass ourselves (and Gertie), but they are mere Nexens. Once presumably one of the most-produced tire sizes on Earth (185 R15), since the demise of the Beetle thirty years ago demand has slipped and slipped. These were the only M+S tires I could find in the right size (the Kumhos I found were Summer only). Others say you just need to go up a size but I don't like to do math while I drive, and incorrectly sized tires on an ACVW means an inaccurate speedometer and odometer. Plus they'll rub.

Big Blue's Driver said...

Two things. I have Nexens - no problems so far. AND. I have brakes rubbing on the bug. I'm ashamed to admit it's been getting worse over the past few weeks but I haven't had a day free to work on them. Saturday is VW work day. I hope I'm not doing too much damage...

Anonymous said...

I thought that looked familiar... nice wheels, though!

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