October 21, 2010

Morning Fuel Pump Replacement

Tater Tot offered her keen supervisory skills to the installation of Gertrude's rebuilt fuel pump. The rebuilder (Jim A. of Madison Wisconsin; thanks Jim A. of Madison Wisconsin) said it was full of mud (dirt+gas)! The dirt incursion has since been rectified.

Top: the previous fuel pump mount (yes, really; not my doing). Bottom: the fuel pump with the proper mounts.

I really smacked my head on that far jackstand. Twice.

And it's done! Not too bad really, unless you're like me and miss steps all over the place (see also: door latch replacement, forthcoming), necessitating doing everything at least twice.


Steve said...

Nicely done! What, no gas in your eyes/down your arm/on your head? That's what happened to me a few weeks ago when I did mine on the bus. It was more fun when I had Colin do it. :)

Anonymous said...

Instead of playing at the park with that cute child, you are making her look at some ol' car on your morning off.

Poor Tater Tot has a "spud" for a Dad. :)


Ludwig's Drivers said...

@Steve-No significant amount of gas on me, but plenty on the pavement.
@PJ (dba Anonymous)-The skills she'll learn tinkering with old cars will serve her much better than wandering around in some park like a mooncalf. Spud indeed.


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