December 30, 2010

Yellow Beetle in Butte

This attractive little gal was waiting at the entrance to Three Bears in Butte so you know we had to take a look.

That's a Empi four-tip exhaust lurking under there, which isn't a good sign. Cheap Chinese crap.

So it's a '65, has a "recently rebuilt" engine (also a bad sign), and an asking price of three grand. Unfortunately, the interior was kind of shot, and whoever sprayed that nice shiny paint only went to the trouble of painting the outside; she's actually a red girl in yellow clothing. Still a handsome car though.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ya know,,,that yellow doesn't look half bad ! $3000 is probably close to ballpark. Just that demon tin worm one needs to be ever vigilant about. Colours are easy to change, rust not so much ! But she sits rather proudly with that dusting of snow.

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