January 1, 2011

Garage Challenge

"The workshop has become the landing ground for anything and everything."--Big Blue's Driver

Big Blue's Driver and I have entered into an informal challenge to see who can get their garage fit for wrenching first. As I see it, his handicap is a two-month old, and mine is sub-zero temperatures. Whoever posts pictures of a presentable garage first to their blog first, wins. 
Game on!
Anyone want to help me get rid of some of this junk and buy that television?

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Does the garage have to be your own? Good luck, can't wait to hear all about it. I'm wondering how much of the stuff in the garage is from the previous owners. Loving the 'Zesto' bumper sticker ON THE BUMPER in the corner! Mmmmmm, Zesto's.......

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