February 7, 2011

Tapped Out

Google tells us that we've used up our 1 GB of free photo space with them, so please excuse our absence of posts until we decide if we wanna pay for more storage, or figure out a way to keep it free.


Chris said...

Moving blogs just seems like too much work but could you shrink your (really old?) pics to thumbnail size and link to full size pics on Flickr? I think you guys have an account.

Ben Miller said...

Who is your domain host? Why don't you just migrate the blog to Wordpress and let the images sit on a server? Our host (1&1) gives us unlimited file storage. Of course, they say they will shut you off if you abuse it, but posting pictures on your blog won't be deemed abuse.

I think we pay $60 a year for our hosting.

whc03grady said...

I actually know very very little about how the tubes work, so this conversation ("migrate", "host", "server") is over my head.
We "bought" the domain name from Google (I think) and it costs like $10/year.
I see that Google charges $5/year for 20 GB. Since it took us 4.5 years and two blogs to fill 1 GB, it's safe to say that 20 GB will last us the rest of our lives. Or is it?

Big Blue's Driver said...

Mitch - we had to do what you might need to do - pay for the additional space. I can tell you that, with all the photos we've posted on our 2 blogs, we now use almost 4 GB of our 80 GB limit, so it will take us a long time to get there.

A way to save space is to post videos to YouTube rather than upload in Blogger, but you don't do too much of that. Also, you can take screen shots of your photos rather than upload the original photo and post that.

Goggle/Blogger is very hard (I'm not sure you can) to change hosts as there isn't access to your domain info. So moving servers is probably a ton more work that paying the storage fee.

Anonymous said...

just set up a new google account and you will be able to have a whole new picasa account to play with. I agree with the idea on the videos too, though its something like $5 to get extra room on google if I recall for more images

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