May 16, 2011

Weekend Two

More taking out, some putting in.
The passenger-side heater cable came out like greased lightning. The driver's-side less so.

I pulled out a million feet of it as it unwound from the core. On the million and first foot, it snapped right at the tube. This project will have to wait.

My disappointment at Ludwig's alternator boot being wrecked was followed by joy when I found I'd stashed another. The joy was short-lived, as the spare was quickly wrecked upon installation. Thirty-eight year old rubber just isn't particularly pliable, even after you soak it in boiling water for a few minutes like I did.

Melissa helped me install the fuel filler neck. I held it in place from the inside.

Melissa's handiwork, on the outside.

Once the gas tank itself was in place Melissa crawled inside and attached the filler neck to the tank. 

 Bye bye gas tank, I love you, but I hope to never have to see you again....

Partial Soundtrack

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