June 26, 2011

Jaw on Floor

My mind nearly imploded when I read about this bus. No, not because it's so extra-specially nice (it is), but because of how much it just sold for. Unbelievable.
As more and more enthusiasts (and "enthusiasts") get pushed away from Splitty ownership because of this kind of lunacy, it's a foregone conclusion that we'll see values for the bay window--the Splitty's ugly (uglier?) step-sister--climbing more steeply in value; they're on the way up already, if you didn't know.
Splitties up, Bays on deck, Vanagons in the hole.


Unknown said...

Wow indeed !
Guess I better hang on to my two Bays.
Drove a 67 splittie, but have never managed to own one. But I'm more into "drivers", not museum pieces.
But as you say,,nice Splittie...for sure.

Terry said...

Um...that's insane. What about insurance - whether it's garaged or driven? I have better ways to spend that kind of money!

Ludwig's Drivers said...

You and me are two of a kind, VW Busman--I also have little use for show cars. I mean, it's a car, right? A thing that was made to be driven? The museum in Wolfsburg has enough vehicles to represent the marque for future generations or aliens of whoever things in museums are saved for. This poor '63 will likely never see pavement again, except when it's unloaded off the trailer and on to the showgrounds.

But, that said, if Splitties--and eventually Bays--start regularly fetching high prices, then maybe we can finally (FINally!) start to see decent reproduction parts being made.


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