August 15, 2011


We thought we'd do another highway drive, out to the rest area and back, to see if we could induce the stumbling again and perhaps pinpoint the problem.

It happened again alright. With a vengeance.

 My feelings exactly, E.

 Around these parts they let you steer the rig off the flatbed your own self.

Later, an attempt to jump the vehicle by spanning the bolts on the starter ended up barbecuing some wires under the dash. And still, the stumbling! We surrender! 

It'll be awhile before Ludwig gets back into the swing of things. In the meantime, who wants to see pictures from our non-VW-powered trip to Denver and back?


Unknown said...

Sorry man. Hope you get it worked out soon.

Big Blue's Driver said...

That picture of E is awesome! Sorry Ludwig is back down...

Terry said...

Well crappola. Has new engine caused a "domino affect"?

Steve said...

I second Big Blue's comments - that is a great photo of your daughter!! And I'm sorry Ludwig is out of commission - hope he feels better soon. :)

Ludwig's Drivers said...

Thanks, everyone.
I should note that this new suite of issues has nothing to do with the quality of the rebuilt engine, but rather is most likely a problem with the fuel pump and/or its connections.


Lisa said...

Stinking stink! Give that little niece of mine a big squeezie hug. She needs one from her auntie!

toomanycats said...

So how did you get to Denver then?

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