January 25, 2012

Birthday Present

For reasons not entirely clear, Tater Tot has it in her head that Ludwig and Gertie are a couple of my primary interests. So she (with help from Melissa) made this appliqué artwork as a birthday present. 

That's us (l to r: TT, Melissa, me) at lower right. We're all camping, hence the greenery and partly cloudy skies.

A: Gertie's steering wheel
B: a fictional divider between Gertie's front and back seats
C: Esmé's carseat
D: Esmé's carseat
E: Ludwig's cabinetry
F: a bird on top of Ludwig
G: Ludwig's steering wheel
H: Ludwig's "tire nose"

One of the initial sketches she made to lay out the composition had Gertie talking to another car at the campsite, telling it to get some gas.

Thanks ladies!


Julia Schrenkler said...

That is seriously adorable!

Terry said...

You'll need to frame that ... That's like the best gift EVER!!!

Unknown said...

That's really cool! I love those cloudy skies. Your breakdown of what everything is was very helpful! HA HA!

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