January 15, 2012

Tools of the Trade

It probably goes without saying, but I tend to anthropomorphize inanimate objects. Maybe "anthropomorphize" is too strong a word (except when it comes to vehicles in which case it is exactly the right word); I definitely get attached to certain familiar things and have since very early childhood, let's put it that way. The tools I use to work (and "work") on our VWs are no different. For lack of anything else to blog about, this is the first of a series focusing on some of my favorites.

My 3/8" drive socket set is Craftsman, but the matching ratchet broke some time back. Fortunately I filched this old Thorsen (an old, good one, made back when they were about on par with Mac and Snap-On, not a modern p.o.s. Chinese one) from my parents' junk drawer. That long S-K extension is another spoil from the same raid. How did my parents come to have a few miscellaneous, highish quality hand tools? Who knows. [edit: Apparently my Mom knows; see the comments.]
I like the ratchet more than the Craftsman it replaced because it has a round handle whereas the Craftsman's was kind of a rounded off rectangle. That might seem like nitpicking but after you've had the damn thing in your hand for the better part of two days, believe me: it makes a difference. It also gives a more satisfying click.
The two sockets are the most absolutely essential for any air-cooled VW work: a 10mm and a 13mm (though 7mm and 17mm get quite a bit of use too). Sometimes I wonder how many times those guys have spun around.


Big Blue's Driver said...

Perhaps you can address how you organize your tools? Mine are a mess. I try, but in the heat of battle everything gets messy. Sometimes I walk by those very large toolboxes with many drawers and think this creature would be the key to organizing my tools. Then I think it might be overkill.

I have started buying tools at estate sales finding that the tools made back in the day are far better than the stuff made now.

Ludwig's Drivers said...

Good idea; I'll address my tools' organization (such that it is) in a future post.

I covet those big stand up boxes too. I don't know that it'd be the key to organizing everything, but I'd be willing to give it a shot. It'd be fun to fill up, anyway.

I always check out garage/estate tools too. I've come across a lot of interesting things, but little that was useful enough to justify buying.


toomanycats said...

I think your Uncle Floyd gave Jim some "better" tools at one time. I wish you were here, and you could take whatever you need; all I need are 2 kinds of screwdrivers, pliers, a small hammer, and a vice-grip. Oh, and a used WORKING riding lawn mower, if you know of one :)

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