March 4, 2012

File under Fire

For a chunk of the early and mid 1990s I was what I guess you'd call a heavy smoker, up to a pack a day sometimes. When my habit kicked in, during the waning days (literally) of high school, I was smoking Drum and Three Castles rolling tobacco nearly exclusively. For a while afterward I got lazy about rolling them so I smoked Old Golds but would often pine for that unfiltered bite and buy a pack of Pall Malls or Lucky Strikes.

Soon after I'd begun smoking, Melcher (who'd turned me on to the foul weed) bought me this Zippo, engraved "Sonny" obverse, and "WHC" reverse. "WHC" of course stands for "Wolfsburg Hurricane Club" and "Sonny" is my code name within that organization, Melcher's being "Cisco", and McDonald's being "Leadbelly"1

1Dylan, Bob (1962). Song to Woody. On Bob Dylan [cass]

Besides that you need a way to fire up your smokes, you need a lighter when working on cars to shrink some kinds of wiring wrap and connector ends, start your brake pads and shoes on fire to clean them (really!), and to see if a particular material is flammable or not (not advised).
I'm a sucker for certain classics and can't imagine owning any lighter except a Zippo. Yeah, those butane things will fire up in a hurricane, but they're too gadgety for my taste.

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