May 22, 2012

Tater Tot Fixes a Squeak

There has been a little little squeak emanating from Ludwig's icebox for years and it drives me crazy but not crazy enough to do anything about it (or maybe I just like to complain). Last weekend when Melissa said she'd like to clean up Ludwig, I suspect partly as a bit of sympathetic magic effecting his engine by way of his interior, and I took the opportunity to see if any of the water we've spilled on the carpet has had a chance to morph into rust. I took out the icebox to look underneath (no rust) and decided it was time to fix the squeak with a couple rubber grommets where it mounts to the bulkhead.

And Tater Tot decided she'd like to help.

I think mostly she thought this 1/4" drive ratchet was cute, but I secretly hope this is the beginning of something.


Julia Schrenkler said...

That's pretty cool. I remember "helping" and hope this is the beginning of something for your family, too.

Darcy said...

Wow, Melissa, that resemblance is really coming through in the second photo. Also, Mitch, I enjoy your expression of fatherly pride in the first photo.

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