October 14, 2012

The Continuing Saga of Ludwig's Right Carburetor

Like I said, everything seemed okay so I reinstalled the put-back-together carb on the engine and let it sit overnight. The next morning no gas was leaking anyplace so I put fresh oil in, ran it a little bit, and let it sit again. Next day, still no leaks.
Thinking this meant I could take him on an 160 mile round trip to Helena for work, I set off. Boy, did he run like crap. I pulled into the gas station on the edge of town and yanked the 1 and 2 spark plug wires off the distributor--no change in running. But pulling 3 and 4 made him stumble like crazy: therefore cylinders 1 and 2 weren't doing anything. After limping back home, I poked around to find out why. It turned out whereas before the carb was delivering too much gas (or, more accurately, delivering gas when it shouldn't've), now it wasn't sending any fuel at all.

I called up Brax in Divide and asked him for some parts; they came two days later.

...a used carb--to scavenger for a float, if I needed it--for $5, and a carb rebuild kit for whatever the contemporary Beetle carb was--because I just needed the float valve included in it and carb kits for buses are >$60 (this one was $18).

Next: Grady vs. 
Solex 34 PDSIT 3, Round Two

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