November 2, 2012


During a recent trip to JCPenny for a new pair of sneaks, Tater Tot showed off her keen sense (and distaste) for marketing-via-contrived-sentimentality.


Jonathan said...

Sure it's contrived sentimentality but I still love seeing things like this. I look at it as part of the aura that makes owning (and being seen in) our vans so cool, and incidentally helps to preserve and increase their value!

whc03grady said...

I hate to say it, but if any part of your reason for owning an ACVW (or anything, really) is to look or be cool, you're doing it wrong. And in my experience, the more people get into them for that reason, the more of them go to the crusher.
My $0.02.


Ludwig's Drivers said...

It looks so naked with a license plate.

Big Blue's Driver said...

It is odd to see it without a plate. The plate always says so much about a VW...

Anonymous said...

We saw the same poster too! It's the same color as ours but it's not a westy! When I asked them if I could get the poster when they were done with it they told me "it's a registered JC Penney logo and I couldn't possibly have one" No wonder they are going broke with that attitude!



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