November 15, 2012


"...with each broken shoelace / out of one hundred broken shoelaces, / one man, one woman, one / thing / enters a / madhouse." Charles Bukowski

Our three and-a-half year experiment in air-cooled VW-only ownership came to an end this week when we drove our generous neighbors' Eurovan to Helena to pick up our new-to-us car*, the yet-to-be officially named 2003 Subaru Baja pictured below.

it has a flat-four; that counts for something, right?

Continuing problems (some my fault, some not my fault) with Gertie and Ludwig and the absence of time, a heated garage, and, yes, motivation were the primary reasons for making this move; I should emphasize quite clearly for the record that spousal intimidation had nothing to do with it.

This homely graph lays out our experience in depending on two early-1970s cars for transportation over the last 42 months. 
I hope the more hardcore element of this blog's readership--the element, if there is one, who drive all and only ACVWs--forgives us this offense. For my part, to feel like somewhat less of a failure** I remind myself that trapeze without a net was an act thrust upon us to some extent and that, in the end, lessons have been learned. Older and wiser, I guess.

And don't worry, we're keeping G & L.

*or truck, or whatever you call this kind of hermaphrodite
**not fishing for pity, just stating the facts


Big Blue's Driver said...

You'll get used to the modern things working when they are supposed to. And you'll hate seeing other people using their ACVW as an everyday driver when you can't give them the wave...

redbus Steve said...

We used to be an all air-cooled family, too. Just before my daughter was born we had our bus, a '71 squareback and a '69 bug. My wife was rear-ended at a stoplight in the squareback, totaling it. We ended up with a '99 Subaru Outback, an awesome car, but like Big Blue's Driver said, you feel funny when you pass another ACVW and a little voice inside says, "Hey, I have one of those too. Really, I'm cool too." :)

Anonymous said...

You could get a sticker that says my other ride is an ACVW. Then people would know that you are hip. Personally I think Subies are cool too. Ubiquitous in Montana, but very practical. Bill from Wyoming

Anonymous said...

My wife and I have been following your blog for quite some time. We too were ACVW reliant for about 4 years. We finally succumbed to buying a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee about 2 years ago. We still own our 71 Westy named Annie and our 70 Beetle, Cindy Lou. I agree completely with you, ACVW ownership isn't about being cool or hip. To quote the late John Muir, It's about coming to terms with the ass that bears you. Nothing is more satisfying than knowing your car inside and out and knowing you can repair it given the time and the money. Do not fret about owning a "modern vehicle." A modern vehicle gives you the time to work on your ACVW without pressure (not necessarily the money). As BBD said, you will get used to the modern things working when they are supposed to. But even better, using an ACVW for fun and not having to rely on it only enhances the joys of ownership. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

step one: buy a subaru.
step two: abandon blog.

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