August 15, 2017

Fairy Lake

Fairy Lake Campground sits at the end of an atrocious 7-mile road in Gallatin National Forest, about 40 miles from our house.

After we arrived E got busy helping with the fire.

Stinkerton just goofed around, as usual.

But she did decide later to sleep downstairs by herself, and succeeded.

Starting at about 5am vehicles were steadily streaming past Ludwig, some sidling up next to him. Whiskey tango foxtrot?

Unwittingly we'd camped at the starting line of a race. Three hundred runners in five waves set off along the Bridgers' ridgeline, the first wave at 7am.

We escaped to the lake.

On the way out we waved 'hello' to some cattle.

Beautiful campground and beautifuler lake, terrible road and terribler timing (because of the race).

post script
Just in time for this trip, me and E replaced Ludwig's faucet. Working sink and 35 L of water! Functionality as originally intended! Yay! And it only took 13 years.

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