Melissa and I agreed however that the freshly-fused motor was still much much too pokey to be of any real use. Really: if it ran well we'd've let it be; replacing the motor isn't something you'd do just for fun, believe me. Out it came.
As you can see, the new motor works swimmingly. We ended up using the newer one as it looked exactly the same as the bum one and their part numbers were closer as well. And most importantly, all the wires were the same colors. Look out rain and snow, here we come....
(this post is dedicated to Peter--thanks again for the motor!)
OMG - the picture of surprised baby is hilarious!! I laugh out loud every time I look at it.
I love the pic of E from the glove box viewpoint. What a cutie!
I'm blushing. ;)
Congrats on the new motor, and glad to see the wipers working again. That's gonna be nice as the rain comes in.
That picture of Esme' chewing the glove box is priceless.
I had a "fun" weekend in LA, the generator stand broke in two on the way to Los Osos. Posted the write up on my blog.
Thanks, all. Little E was pleased with how the picture turned out, too (it was her idea).
Ludwig's Drivers.
I don't think I've ever seen a fuel filter that dirty - well done on using it to its fullest!
Yeah, I feel kinda bad for letting it go that long. Those filters are so cheap and easy to replace that one can't use thrift or lack of confidence as excuses for not replacing them. Chalk one up for laziness.
Speaking of fuel filters, have you moved BB and LB's filters out of their respective engine compartments yet?
Yeah, well, mmmmm, maybe this weekend?
hey guys! greetings from seattle. love ludwig's new wiper motor coverage. super-ingenious replacement. esme looks psyched about it too! guess what, tomorrow our engine is coming out with the help of a samba friend here in seattle! kind of scary, but it's finally time! wish us luck :S .... p.s. our blog had a meltdown -- trying to recover it as we type.
Marc & Eliana
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