October 5, 2008

She Won!

As mentioned in a previous post, we entered three photos in GoWesty's 2009 calendar contest. Well, Melissa's photo below was accepted and will appear in the calendar.

No word as to which month Ludwig will grace.


toomanycats said...

Congrats! I checked out the blog right after we got off the phone, and saw that your photo won! Awesome!

Lisa said...

Congratulations! You're famous.

Big Blue's Driver said...

C'mon April! C'mon April!!!

Congrats. Well done!

Anonymous said...

WOW...congratulations!! That is so cool that Ludwig is going to be in the calendar. BTW, I thought Ludwig was a boy? "She won"?

Valentina will also be in the calendar...how nice that they both made it. ;o)


Ludwig's Drivers said...

c, nk, bb's d: Thanks!
e: Ludwig is a boy, but the "She" in "She Won!" is Melissa, as in "Melissa's photo won!"
Congratulations to you two too. Maybe Ludwig and Valentina will have adjoining months?

marcandeliana said...

Congrats from Valentina's drivers! Way to go, we can't wait to get the calendar! I *think* I was able to tell which photo of ours won ... I submitted five or six images to the contest, each image in a separate e-mail message. Christina from GoWesty seemed to reply to our winning e-mail ... I can see the image quoted in her reply. Just a theory.

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