August 11, 2009

Holland Lake

A couple weekends ago we teamed up with our friends (see: Beavertail Hill camping) with the idea to camp at Lake Alva and maybe do some canoeing. 

Heading up MT 200 along the Blackfoot, it looked like rain. I was glad we'd installed these new super-ugly-but-amazingly functional Bosch "Evolution" wiper blades. No brackets to clog up with ice! It's like having a squeegee out there now.

It looked like we might miss the rain altogether, but just before Clearwater Junction, it was really pouring. But only for a minute, since we turned North while the rain kept on going East. 

Winter Camping Advantage no. 1: there's no such thing as a full campground in Winter. We got to Lake Alva early in the evening, but the campground was full. Where to go instead? We settled on Holland Lake, which also turned out to be full. Aargh! The campground host said we could camp in the day-use overflow parking, but couldn't have a fire. He also told us there were some spots opening up the next day.

So we honed in on a spot and hung around the parking lot until the occupants (finally) left. Luckily the rest of our crew understood our garbled cell phone message and found us that afternoon. We hauled the kiddos down to the water for some wading.

Tater Tot is still quite tentative about water sports. Her floatie-thing didn't see much use.

She likes the shore and we had fun throwing rocks. Above I'm helping her and Amelia make a little pond. 

Some horses escaped from a nearby corral and wandered through the campground. E liked them, but didn't want to get too close. She was impressed how "Mimi" (her name for Miriam) led them back to their home.

Ludwig and Meriweather (rescued from a Mennonite junkyard in Virginia).

There was some light rain that forced us to eat our burritos inside Ludwig that evening, but nothing terrible. It thundered all night long, which made me nostalgic for Nebraska.

The next morning we rented a canoe in an attempt to acclimate Esmé to the boating life but she clung fiercely to Melissa the whole time. We managed to stay on the water for maybe half an hour. At least she didn't have a fit, which gives us hope for the future. That afternoon we headed out. Those are the Mission Mountains in the distance.

Big Sky Country

Esmé finds enjoyment in the simplest of things. We used to worry a little too much about taking enough "things" to entertain her on our excursions. Her hands-down all-time favorite toy? Rocks. Her little pail and "dig-dig" (her word for shovel/trowel) provide countless hours of fun at home or the road.

We couldn't bear to wake her up so she slept another hour after we got home.


Terry said...

She is such a little trooper. And Mimi is so brave!

toomanycats said...

These photos remind me of when we went to Lake Alva with you guys. It looks like a fun time!

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