October 7, 2009

Gertie gets put to work, again

We're sort of in the midst of getting Gertie ready for some massive repairs. But in the meantime, we're using Gertie as the daily driver as often as possible. 

Snow fell today for the first time this Autumn. Granted, it melted immediately. But it was refreshing to be in a car with a functional heater!

Tater Tot loves the view that Gertie's higher backseat affords. Often, in the rear view mirror, I'll see people in other cars smiling or laughing looking at Gertie. At first I thought it was because we have a weird car. Then I realized it's actually the Tater Tot. We need to get a mirror set up so we can see what she's up to back there.

One of the errands we ran today involved getting a bale of straw. The rubber floor and rubber seat backing in the way back of the Squarebacks was a brilliant idea. I remember when I did this same straw hauling task when we lived in Goleta (California) with the Subaru, and I'm pretty sure we never got all the straw bits out of the back of her carpeted cargo area. How impractical. 

Garden winterized? Check!


marcandeliana said...

Wow, snow already! Please, blow some of that cold air this way! We are in the 90's this week and it is TOO DAMN HOT.

Lisa said...

She's such a cutie. Glad things are going well for G. I still need to winterize my garden.....thanks for the reminder.

Alisa H / Jake G said...

You should get a live feed of said Tater Tot so all the world can see.

Ludwig's Drivers said...

AH/JG: "Duh"???

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