November 22, 2009

A relatively unexciting post concerning my admiration for Gertie

Mitch is often trying to get me to post more often to this blog. It's not technical, and it's not adventurous, and it's probably not even very interesting or exciting for anyone other than someone that drives or loves ACVWs. Well, it's probably not even interesting or exciting for these folks, but here it is:

Winter is fast approaching, and although I've been secretly feeling just a wee bit nervous about our somewhat recent (and unexpected) lifestyle change since winter is quickly approaching (you know, since Fang Fang was an AWD, and Montana winters aren't for sissies). Lately, driving Gertie is reminding me why my nervousness isn't warranted. There are so many reasons she is superior to other cars I've owned, even for winter-time driving. Really, I can't even explain how satisfying it is to tootle around town in Gertie as my our daily driver, but I'll try. 
  • Gertie doesn't complain about driving in cold weather. She doesn't lug and it doesn't take a super long time for the transmission fluid to warm up.
  • Gertie's engine warms up as quickly, or even faster, than other cars I've owned.
  • Gertie's heater works better than any other car I've owned (and is second only to the '71 Beetle Mitch drove for awhile).
  • I love that the snow doesn't melt off the hood. It makes the drive a little nicer, aesthetically.
  • The flat little windows make scraping snow and ice a breeze.
  • Gertie has the nicest transmission of any manual transmission car I've ever driven.
  • Gertie is super peppy.
  • Since Gertie's cozy, I can easily reach Esmé to hand her water, snacks, or whatever, in the backseat. (This may not seem like much of a plus, but if you've spent much time with a kid in a car you might sympathize.)
  • Gertie is ridiculously easy to find in a parking lot.
  • Family photos look a whole lot better.


Lisa said...

I L.O.V.E. the family photo! Must have a copy. Possibly black & white & color.

Alisa H / Jake G said...

This IS a good family photo. The kido matches the pumpkins!

Big Blue's Driver said...

While the expectations of Gertie and our Little Blue are a little different, I am constantly experiencing a gaining trust in Little Blue. I had a 1971 Landcruiser which, while fun, needed to be babied in certain situations. I am finding Little Blue to be quite the opposite. She is one of the most comfortable and dependable rides I have ever owned. My expectations were exceeded and Little Blue continues to impress and delight. Glad Gertie is doing the same.

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