April 23, 2010

My Wife, the Hack

Melissa's not letting Ludwig get all the attention. We got Freida's old seats months ago and this weekend's warm weather allowed Melissa to work on getting them into Gertie. 

rear seat backs and bases, left to right: Gertie (1971), Freida (1967)



They don't look the same, do they? No, they don't. They aren't. The new base has a bite out of it for the hump, the old one doesn't. Also, the seat itself attaches to the base in different places; '71=wide, '67=narrow. What to do?

My thought was to de-upholster them and re-upholster the black frame with the white vinyl. My wife, the hack, said we should just drill holes into the new base so the whole old seat back could mount to it. So we did.

And it worked! This should serve as proof that we aren't totally stock Nazis.


Lisa said...

Nice work....hacks! :)

Alisa H / Jake G said...

I think you guys need a new profile photo, no Tater Tot in the current one. Or maybe she doesn't get a photo, seeing how she never seems to get around to updating this blog.... Like Ever.

Anonymous said...

Are they vinyl? If so, head down to your FLAPS and get a can or 2 of vinyl spray paint and make them babies look brand new.

Just set them in the sun for an hour or so, to warm up and go to town with 2 or 3 light coats. More time in the sun to dry and BAM, all done.

4 cans for the Thing and The Bus @ $2.50 each, most reasonable.


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