July 5, 2010

When It Rains It Pours

Rocky Jennings of Walla Walla finished Ludwig's powerplant last week and was kind enough to send along a couple pictures.

I'm not sure this engine is fancy enough for these pictures to qualify as engine pr0n, but it looks pretty nice anyway. And look at that vacuum can on the distributor--no more 009! Finally.

We've always promised ourselves that when the time came, we'd rebuild Ludwig's engine ourselves.  And had we needed to do it any other time, we would've. But fate determined otherwise.

As it was, the trip we were on when Ludwig's crankshaft snapped wasn't merely to retrieve new rotors for Gertrude. We were also scoping out the town of Anaconda, where I'd applied for a job. And a couple weeks later, I got it. 

So with the moving and the house buying and the new job starting and all, we really just didn't have time to rebuild Ludwig's engine ourselves. (The dream plan, once Ludwig is up-and-running and we're settled in, is to rebuild Gertie's engine (cylinder #1100 lbs of compression, cf. 110-120 on #2-4) on our own schedule, in our own garage.) I feel kind of bad about this because I've always been so gung-ho about doing it myself, and now I come off as a bit of a hypocrite. But those pictures of the engine made me feel better.


Anonymous said...

congrats and good luck on the move!

PJ Alau said...

Congrats on Everything - Job, move, house, new engine, gas tank, and somehow keeping a baby entertained.

Regarding the "I could have done it myself" work ethic. I feel ya. However - life gets in the way, and there are experts out there for a reason. You are installing it yourself, you maintain it yourself, and you do about everything else on your own, I'd call that a big win.

Rock on with your bad selves.


Lisa said...

Don't feel bad. You still do more with both of your cars than I could ever do with mine!

Blogger said...

Oh yeah - that is engine Porn... ;)
Nicely done...

I agree with Peter on the rebuild - Its great that you are keeping the VW's going!
No matter how!

Good luck on the new Job!


GoGo said...

Those jugs look big, is that a 1800cc, 2000?

I know i don't know you from Adam, or George, or Phil.. but good luck on the new town and the new jeorb.

p.s. I used to own a Karmann Ghia and a dune buggy. Love the old V8's and even though i drive a 500hp diesel guzzling hog, i am a fan of the small motors.

marcandeliana said...

WOW. Big news. HUGE news, actually. Congrats! We are currently hanging in Washington state for the next few weeks, then Alaska. Lots of VW's here -- we don't get to see them much in Florida, so it's a nice change.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you are leaving - I'll miss seing Gertie down the street. Just bought a '78 campervan. Feel free to come see it before you leave.
-Gertie's former driver

Ludwig's Drivers said...

Thanks everyone.

@AtTD-It's a 2 liter.
@GFD (dba Anon)-I'll try to stop by. It must the beige one I saw going by the other day.


Big Blue's Driver said...


Catching up here. Great news! Very cool. Can't wait to see pictures of "Ludwig as moving bus" again. Well done!

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