December 7, 2010

Lost & Found

In Missoula a couple weeks ago I stumbled quite by accident upon a trove of VWs I'd stumbled upon years before, but had never been able to find again; I wasn't familiar with that part of town at the time and in the intervening years never became more familiar with it.

That Beetle at far right is the Oval Window I'd initially spotted years ago. The earlier picture is below.

Strangely enough, it looks to be the straightest of the bunch. 
When I first saw this Oval it was just a curiosity, but now (again, thanks to Big Blue's Drivers' corruptive influence) I wonder if it isn't worth a third, more serious look. Assuming I can find it again.


Big Blue's Driver said...

Yeah - that oval looks shockingly decent. Odd that it has a replacement taillight in the same spot mine does. It's really clean and nice. Get it! Would look good pink!

Unknown said...

That bumper and running board is straight as an arrow.
Provided the unseen under pinnings ' pan out' ( my bad with puns ) lol... in all seriousness though..if you can swing it, buy it. You know what they say. " Expensive today, cheap tomorrow". Cause if you don't act on it..6 months from now ( when the car is gone ) you'll be kicking yourself for not having made an advantageous purchase in the heat of the moment. Worst case scenario, you can always flip it for at least what you will pay for it. Have we twisted your arm sufficiently !
Nuff said.

Ludwig's Drivers said...

My thinking on the thing goes back and forth, which is funny, because I have no idea if it's even for sale; or if it is, that we could afford it; or if we could, that we'd have anywhere to put it; or if we did, if we'd have time to work on it (two projects being more than enough).

Then again, damn: it is nice looking. And who doesn't want their daughter driving around in a 69 year-old car when she's a teenager?


Big Blue's Driver said...

We await news. It doesn't hurt to ask if it's for sale. At least then you'd know the answer to the first 2 questions.

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