May 31, 2011

It Never Sleeps

This weekend was supposed to mark, according to my overly ambitious schedule of a month ago, Ludwig's return to the roads and campgrounds of the Pacific Northwest. But there is still just too much to be done, too many more discontinued parts to round up, and too much cold rain. Progress on dressing the engine came to a halt after I admitted to myself after half an hour of trying that it's probably just plain impossible to bolt the heat exchangers on when the engine is rightside up. So we're in the market for a proper engine stand. In the meantime, I decided to make myself useful and attack Ludwig's rustiest area, under the battery.
¡Dios mio! We're lucky it never fell out.

This ugliness makes a strong case for buying a dry cell battery. My pawn shop angle grinder in hand (knocked down to $12 from $15 because it's missing the handle and makes so damn much noise), I commenced a-cutting.

There's no turning back now. I suppose if worse comes to worse, I can just put a board over it, right?

Partial soundtrack

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