My parents, one brother, and a niece came to visit us a couple weeks ago for a week. One day during their stay my dad and I hopped in Ludwig and headed down I-90 to see the largest (known) pine tree in Montana.
I-90 Westbound

You could make two normal-sized houses with the wood from this tree (really).
Just for the fun of it, we decided to follow Fish Creek Road up into the mountains, to where it eventually meets US 12. The road twisted pleasantly through meadows, pine forest, and deciduous forest, and past talus piles, never straying far from the creek--except for the final three miles, where it climbed up and over into the Lolo Creek watershed. Ludwig was happy to let us bounce along at a restful 25-30mph and enjoy the Bitterroots.
When we got to the highway, I turned East to head back to Missoula via Lolo. A few seconds later we passed milemarker 7, meaning that the state line was not quite ten minutes behind us. We weren't on any serious kind of schedule, so I asked Dad if we should turn around and head to Idaho. He was game--I don't think he'd ever been to the Gem State.
Now he has.

Something I found strange was that the visitor's center was clearly marked "5225 feet", yet I've got maps telling me the pass is at 5233' and 5235'. In any case, I erred on the side of caution when listing Lolo Pass on the list of mountain passes Ludwig has traversed.
All in all, it was a great jaunt through a chunk of the Bitterroots that I'd definitely visit again. Thanks to Dad for being a good sport, and for taking many of the pictures seen here.
View Fish Creek Road Aug 2007 in a larger map
1 comment:
Dad had a great time on this journey you and he made by yourselves! Great memories!
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