April 26, 2015

Camping Kickoff 2015

It wasn't really camping camping, but it was two nights in Ludwig so it counts. Maybe 'precamping' better describes it.

Pit Stop Photobombs

1973 in Livingston

This rock formation North of Helena had always interested me until someone told me it's called 'The Sleeping Giant' at which point I saw it and it was ruined for me.

Snow Fence

Prickly Pear Canyon

Along the Missouri. Yes, the Missouri.

Three oldest sisters climbing on Tower Rock.

Nights 1 and 2, 2015


FemiKnitr said...

Where's Iris?!

whc03grady said...

Iris? Holy shit, we forgot to take Iris!

toomanycats said...

I saw Iris' carseat from the rear, and assumed she was in it. :)

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