August 24, 2018

Beartooth Pass

Leaving Sheridan Campground the next day

Rock slide scar

Approaching the treeline

Ludwig and Unnamed 84 Hightop took a break at Rock Creek Vista Point.

That smear of white in the trees below the talus is Wyoming Creek.

She is officially too big to sit on the spare tire anymore.

Cresting the Plateau at about 9700 feet. No more trees.

Leaving Montana at about 10,240 feet (3121 m).

Windswept tundra.

The date was July 22nd. It can snow up there any day of the year.

We explored a meltwater pond not far from the road.

Unnamed 84 Hightop and Ludwig stood guard.

There was a mid-July snowball fight.

That spire back there is the Bear's Tooth itself. 

The road's high point, 10,947 feet.

The descent into Wyoming was very lakey, and not as steep.

Unnamed 84 Hightop leading the way to Cooke City.

At Cooke City the Smaller One and E decided they'd had enough and called for help.

We wrapped up the day with pizza in Gardiner on the way home. Thanks for the great trip, L family!

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