July 14, 2008

Chit(o)wn in the Zootown

A couple weeks ago it became known to us that a fellow member of a certain ACVW forum was coming through here, having bought a bus in Tacoma and needing to get it to the Windy City. He thought that Missoula made a natural first stop on his trip, and we offered to meet up with him for a spell.
He goes by chitwnvw and this is his newly-purchased '75 Westfalia Weekender. We might've said so before, but as I understand it a Weekender is a camper minus the pop-top. White has always been one of my favorite car colors so naturally I was a bit smitten. The blue/green plaid that they put in white Westies is my second favorite also (second only to the plaid that Ludwig and other brilliant orange '74-'75s have).

Note the weird mini-spare (it fits under the sink and inflates with a pump you plug into the mysterious silver socket) and chitwnvw's coral Crocs.

We told him about a couple campgrounds East of town and hope he had a good time wherever he stayed, and that the rest of his trip to the Second City went smoothly as well.


Kaatie said...

neat blog, fun to read.

Ludwig's Drivers said...


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