December 14, 2008

First Snow of the Season 2008-09

Our first real snow arrived this weekend, just in time for us to head into the woods with Fang Fang to saw down a tree. Wild trees aren't as full as farm-grown trees, but they're a lot cheaper and you get to putt around on unplowed forest service roads. The orange tag on the tree makes it nice and legal.

Ludwig's spot, off the alley.

Winter is finally here! It looks like we're enjoying a downright balmy day, relative to the rest of the Treasure State. Nota bene: these are the highs.


Lisa said...

Jealous! I want some of that to come my way. My luck we'll get a ton dumped on us Friday, AFTER the kiddos are let out of school. Grrrrr.

Jody said...

We got our first real snow before you?????? Weird.

It's 1 right now with -16 windchill.

It's 71 in New Orleans right now.

Can you guess where I would rather be?

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