December 4, 2008

Nebraska Interlude

We were in Nebraska over Thanksgiving weekend and got some pictures that might be of passing interest.

If you could zoom in and focus this shot, you'd see that just to the right of the SUV are two Beetles and a Bay Window. This was along I-80, just East of Kearney ("CAR-knee" to all you non-Nebraskans).

If one needed any hint as to what is Nebraska's state religion, here it is.

This nice avocado '77 was parked by Open Harvest, and we pulled around to get a better look.

Guard cat

We found out from the owners that the bus is named "Mogley" and the cat is "Solstice". I thought the owner looked really familiar when Mitch was talking to him about the bus. I think maybe he was this guy, Rick, that I was in Organic Chemistry with about 10 or so years ago. He has dreads now, but back in the day he had short short blond hair, assuming it's the same guy. In case he reads this: Hey Rick, was that you?

On the flight back, E enjoyed the sights from the plane. The big mountain in the foreground is Mt. Jumbo (4764'), and if you look closely enough, you can see the L.

And if you look reeeeally closely three blocks to the left on this side of that bridge over the railroad tracks, you can see our house and even Ludwig. Really, you can.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Nebraska misses the three of you already!

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