December 7, 2009

Laundry List

Other bus drivers have shown an interest in the notes and other ephemera that one more than occasionally comes across in various second-hand pieces of ACVW literature; books, manuals, etc. I'll admit to having given a fair number of these orphaned items the heave-ho, stumbling across them during less sentimental times. Anyway, the other day a library patron, who'd seen me loading the family into Ludwig at one time or another, said he had a copy of the Idiot Book that he wasn't able to put to much good use in operating his late-model Lexus LX. "Could you use it?" he asked. "Is it spiral-bound?" I replied ungratefully.

And there it is, finally, my own spiral-bound copy of the Idiot Book. Much too nice to ever use in the field, unfortunately. I found the following inside:

He's a nice guy so I'll not make too much fun of certain items on his to-do list.


jason said...

This is awesome. I'll pretend I didn't see things like 'air dam' and will only make two comments...

Do you really need to qualify AM radio with 'at least?' Is there anything less?

Intermittent wiper conversion. Does such a thing exist? Mine has two speeds - too slow and too fast.

Ben Miller said...

What an invasion of privacy.

Ludwig's Drivers said...

Jason-Yes, an intermittent option is available to we ACVW drivers. I don't know the specifics, but it's not hard. Laziness and a fear of electricity (not a mortal fear, but a fear of botching the existing system) has prevented me from performing the upgrade on Ludwig, whose wiper speeds are too slow and slightly slower.



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