January 7, 2010

Not a Hippie Bus

This bus has been parked near the library for a few weeks now and I just got around to taking a picture. I thought it looked familiar and just today while researching Big Blue's blog, I remembered why.

Apparently the winner lives around here, though last time I looked it had New Jersey tags. Leftovers from its previous home, I guess.

Those who know me know that I detest this sort of crap. This is not to say I detest wildly-painted or hippie buses as a rule. During the Summer of 1993 in fact I helped a troupe of kids--one hesitates to call them "hippies", since it was 1993 and all--paint the school bus (note to BB'sD: it was a bus-bus, actually) they were living in while they stayed for a week or so in Stanton Nebraska's "campground". That's the thing: when something like this is done organically, unironically, and with sincerity, it's cool. But when it's done to bring about bogus sentimentality, then I say get out the DA sander and the 200-grit.


marcandeliana said...

I bet if you WON it though, it wouldn't be such a bad thing! I wanted to buy a raffle for this one, but couldn't do it online and I wasn't about to travel to NJ to buy one in person.

PJ Alau said...

I'm in agreement with most hippy busses, but I do like when it is well done like this one, or the gnome bus.


Big Blue's Driver said...

I'm just shocked we found it! Well done!

whc03grady said...

@exoticdvm: I bet if I'd won it it'd've been a bad thing, because (i) we don't need a third car; (ii) we don't need a third car that is a passenger bus (not a huge fan, frankly); (iii) we don't need a third car that is a passenger bus that is an automatic (blegh); (iv) we don't need a third car that is a passenger bus that is an automatic that desperately needs a paint job. Given all these conditions it'd've been weird had I even bought a ticket. I guess I would've sold it (minus the engine and FI of course!).

@PJA: True, it (and the gnome bus) appears to have been done well; my issue is with what is being done well. (I have much less scorn for the gnome bus, btw, because that seems more like an art car for some reason.)

@BB'sD: I know, right? What are the odds? 100%, apparently.


Ludwig's Drivers said...

(v) Mitch doesn't like Phish.

I like passenger buses, especially Charlie Brown. There'd have been a serious discussion of what to do if we'd have won it. But it's nice to see another ACVW in Missoula, regardless of the paint job.

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